To phrase it differently, the latest absolute globe (we
Wicca is a nature based belief system. e. trees, grass, rocks, mountains, etc.) is seen as a part of the Divine. Christianity, on the other hand, believes that these things were created by, but separate from, the Divine.
Wicca is actually a religious heritage in accordance with the old religions from brand new primitive European countries, particularly Western European countries and you may Great britain
Wiccans believe in a dual male/female divinity. The God and Goddess are seen as separate but equal deities, each with unique talents and virtues. Some Wiccan traditions see all of the gods and goddesses of the world as ‘faces’ of the two true deities. Other Wiccans worship a trine goddess and god, the nature of the deities changing with the seasons.
Wiccans believe that the natural world, the creatures of the world (including humans) and the Divine are inseparable. Harm done to any of the aspects reflects on the others, causing pain and suffering needlessly in the spiritual and physical planes. As a result, many Wiccans are ardent environmentalists.
Are typical People who stick to the Path, Witches, Zero and most Witches commonly Wiccan. […]